Certified copies of Birth & Death Certificates may be purchased in person at NCPHD if the event occurred less than 6 months ago. The fee for each certified copy is $25.00.

After 6 Months:

You Will Have to Order Directly From The State of Oregon

You may order the birth certificate in person, by mail, the Internet, fax, or telephone. Order form can be obtained at NCPHD if needed.

When ordering by the internet, fax, or phone, a credit card is required and there is an extra fee for this service.

In Person:

Oregon Vital Records

800 NE Oregon St., Suite 205

Portland, Oregon 97232-2162

Mail Orders To:

Oregon Vital Records

P.O. Box 14050

Portland, Oregon 97293-0050


More Info, or If Born in Another State:

Oregon Vital Records Center of Health Statistics Website: www.vitalchek.com

Phone orders: 971-673-1190

Fax orders: 503-234-8417