Restaurant Licensing

Please call ahead for an appointment so we can ensure the best customer service and that your needs are met by our staff 541-506-2600

How To License A Restaurant In Wasco or Sherman County

If you are purchasing a food service establishment that is already licensed, complete the Restaurant & B&B License Application. Then pay the licensing fee determined by the size of your restaurant.

New owners of restaurants that have a current license are not required to complete the Food Service Plan Review Application.

A facility that has been closed for 6 consecutive months or more must come into compliance with current rules and regulations prior to re-opening.

Restaurant & B&B License Application Packet

Once the form has been fully filled electronically, please continue to be taken to payment

If you are considering building a new facility or remodeling an existing facility, you must complete and submit the Plan Review Application and a Plan Review Fee along with the Restaurant License Application and appropriate licensing fee.

The full fee schedule can be found HERE - in Espanol

Food Service Plan Review Application

Once the form has been fully filled electronically, please continue to payment


You must also obtain all applicable signatures on the Agency Sign-Off Form. The purpose of this form is to ensure that all new licensed facility developments are in compliance with all local codes, ordinances, and laws.

Licensed Facility Plan Review Agency Sign-Off Form

After the application is submitted, it will go through an initial review by our staff. Our staff will be in contact to discuss any areas of concern and give the approval to begin construction once all rules are met.

After all of the equipment is installed and operational, and at least two weeks prior to opening the establishment, contact NCPHD Environmental Health to schedule a Pre-Opening Inspection. This is to be performed after or at the time of, all other final inspection requests (building, fire, plumbing, etc.) Key staff and management should be on-site to discuss food operations and whether the establishment complies with local and state laws.

Before opening a food establishment, complete and submit a Foodservice License Application at NCPHD with the required fee. This is only an application for the annual Foodservice License. The license will be issued upon successful completion of the public health Pre-Opening Inspection. Foodservice Licenses are valid for the calendar year in which they are issued. Licenses are not transferable between facility locations or to a new owner at the same location. All Food service licenses expire on December 31st of the year that they are issued. Please be aware that license fees are not refundable once a license has been issued. You must provide the receipt for the Foodservice License application at the time of the Pre-Opening Inspection in order for the Pre-Opening Inspection to occur. The Pre-Opening Inspection must take place before the license can be issued.

A facility may be shut down temporarily if it fails to comply.

Approved Sources for Donation to Benevolent Organizations

Benevolent Non-Profit Meal Site Information Guide

Once the form has been filed electronically, please continue to be taken to payment

Food Sanitation Rules PDF