Home Visiting
Home Visiting Connections
Home Visiting Connections is a referral network for community partners who provide home visits to pregnant women, young children and children birth to 21 with a disability. Participants include Healthy Families through
The mission of Home Visit Connections is to coordinate referrals among community agencies so you and your family get the most appropriate home visiting services.
The goal of expanded babies first is to support you during your pregnancy so that when you give birth, you have a healthy baby ready to grow and learn. If you are pregnant, a Nurse or Community Health Worker will visit you at home and offer the following services:
Answer questions about your pregnancy
Listen to your concerns
Discuss your options
Help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby
Work with you to solve problems that affect your family’s health
Help you find medical and dental care
Refer you to other services you may need
Help you prepare to welcome your new baby
Help with breastfeeding
Answer questions about caring for your new baby
If you are pregnant or a parent of a young child or a child with a disability and would like to receive home visits from one of the above health department programs, please contact North Central Public Health District at 541-506-2600.
Check out text4baby: A free app that gives you health, safety, and fun tips just for you and your baby!
Join Vroom: The online tool that helps nurture your child’s growing mind.
Babies First
Babies First! is a special program for babies and young children up to age five on the Oregon Health Plan. A Public Health Nurse or Community Health Worker will visit you regularly in your home. She’ll talk to you about your baby, check his or her progress, and suggest new ways you can encourage your baby’s growth and development. There is no charge for this program.
The Public Health Nurse or Community Health Worker will visit with you until your baby is three. She will work closely with your doctor or clinic and give your baby health and developmental screens.
You can ask the Nurse any health questions you may have and she will refer you to the appropriate agency for specialized attention. You’ll learn how to better care for and understand your baby, right in your home!
CaCoon is a program for families that have children from birth to age 21 with special health needs. As its name suggests, CaCoon (CAre COordinatiON) provides support for families. CaCoon recognizes the importance of the family. Because family is central to the care of the child, all services are planned around the needs, desires and concerns of your total family.
CaCoon Coordinators are Community Health Workers and Registered Nurses with North Central Public Health District. We have received specialized training to assist you, your family, and your child with special health care needs. CaCoon Nurses and Community Health Workers help you find resources for your child and family and coordinate needed services in the community.