Seasonal Respiratory Viruses


As of March 7, 2025, no one local has tested positive for H5N1, aka bird flu. We will update the community if that changes. We are monitoring the national H5N1 situation.


 Be prepared, get vaccinated

The 2024-25 flu vaccine and the 2024-25 COVID vaccine are available. So far, there is no combination vaccine for both COVID and flu.

Summary of 2024-25 seasonal vaccine recommendations: English Spanish

Upcoming COVID and flu vaccination events:

No events scheduled at this time.

Click on the logo for each local provider to find out more about the seasonal vaccines they offer:

We can vaccinate people who are uninsured for free. Call 541-506-2600 to schedule a flu or COVID vaccine for anyone aged 6 months to 65 years.

Call 541-565-3325 to schedule a flu vaccine for anyone 6 months of age or older.

Click to schedule online or call 541-386-6380. They vaccinate anyone 6 months or older for COVID and/or flu.

They will vaccinate people for flu who are 6 months of age or older and are already patients at their clinics. If you are a patient at the Family Medicine Clinic, Columbia River Women’s Clinic, Columbia Crest Pediatric Clinic, or Water’s Edge Internal Medicine Clinic, call for an appointment.


Click to schedule online. If they aren’t already booked, they will take walk-ins from 10-1:30 and 2-7. They will vaccinate anyone 3 years or older for COVID and/or flu.

Click to schedule online or call 1-800-walgreens. They vaccinate anyone 5 years or older for COVID and/or flu.

Click to schedule online. They vaccinate anyone 7 years or older for COVID and/or flu.

Click to schedule online or call 541-296-1748. If they aren’t already booked, they will take walk-ins. They vaccinate anyone 7 years or older for COVID and/or flu.

If you need a ride to your vaccine appointment, you can call Link Public Transit 541-296-7595 in Wasco County or Sherman County Community Transit 541-565-3553 in Sherman county.

If you’re sick

If you have new symptoms of fever, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle aches, body aches, headache, and/or losing your sense of smell or taste, you should stay home so that you don’t spread your illness to others. No matter what made you sick, stay home and away from others until: 

  • You are fever free for a full 24 hours, without using fever reducing medications


  • All of your other symptoms are improving.


If you live or work with medically sensitive people, we recommend extra steps to prevent further spread of illness. The CDC website has special recommendations healthcare facilities. So does the Oregon Health Authority website. If you still have questions, you can call us at NCPHD at 541-506-2600

If you want to know more about a specific virus…






Click here for information about other immunizations offered at NCPHD