Fit In The Gorge
NCPHD is committed to providing programs that promote good health and disease prevention through healthy activities, good eating habits, and environmental stewardship.
Fit In The Gorge is a coalition of community partners that aims to reduce childhood obesity throughout the Columbia Gorge region. We work collaboratively across sectors including health care, parks & rec, public health, and education to find creative solutions to address this issue.
Fit In The Gorge began as the Wasco County Coalition to Reduce Childhood Obesity in 2015. This group transitioned to the Fit In Wasco County Coalition in 2016, and became Fit In The Gorge in 2018.
The most recent success of Fit In The Gorge was piloting Summer Swim Rx (SSRx): the “swim prescription” given to families of children who are not getting enough physical activity. SSRx is available to families who receive Oregon Health Plan – PacificSource through primary care and dental care offices with support from the Columbia Gorge Health Council.
Community Leaders celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Cooperation to reduce childhood obesity on June 3, 2015 at Chenowith Elementary School in The Dalles.
Walkability Maps
Let’s go for a walk! Check out these great trails and walk ways to stay healthy and active
Climate & Health Adaptation Plan
Climate change is affecting Oregonians: The effects of climate change can be seen throughout the world, in extreme and unpredictable weather patterns. In Oregon the effects of the changing climate are being seen with regional variations. Examples of these effects include: increased incidence and severity of forest fires, worsening air quality, decreases in snow pack, drought and dwindling ground and surface water supplies.
North Central Public Health District (NCPHD) joined four other Oregon counties and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to develop a climate change adaptation plan: The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) five step BRACE framework was used to investigate and prepare for regional public health climate change risks. NCPHD was one of 5 Oregon regions chosen to pilot this process. It was determined that the NCPHD region has robust systems and plans to address emergencies like severe winter storms, wildfires, floods and extreme heat.
Drought is a high-priority climate variable in need of attention in the NCPHD region: Drought develops more slowly than other climate events and the health effects are broad. Drought can affect the livelihoods of citizens and damage the region’s econmomy. It can threaten a way of life for individuals and communities, leading to health impacts such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse and domestic violence.
Promoting resiliency and readiness in our population: In alignment with the “Ten Essential Public Health Services”, NCPHD will inform, educate and empower people about climate and health issues. Services available to NCPHD residents are linked to this page.
Future planning and updates: The NCPHD Climate Action Plan shall be updated regularly with the participation of the NCPHD Climate Action Planning Team and in response to new climate and health discoveries or revisions of national standards or guidelines
To learn more: To read more detail on the process and planning for NCPHD’s response to climate change, look at the NCPHD Climate Adaptation Plan (PDF) or the Oregon Health Authority’s Climate and Health Resilience Plan.