Tobacco Prevention & Education Program
Ready to Quit? Sign up here for FREE local, in-person help with quitting tobacco, vaping, or other nicotine products. Get FREE nicotine patches, gum or lozenges!
Tobacco Prevention & Education
To protect residents and visitors from secondhand smoke exposure, North Central Public Health District TPEP works to create smoke- and tobacco-free environments. These areas include:
Multi-unit housing
Parks and outdoor areas
In addition to North Central Public Health District’s free local tobacco cessation services, you can also call the Oregon state quitline, at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit www.quitnow.net/oregon to get free help on how to quit using tobacco
Some people prefer to access services on-line, some people prefer speaking to an individual. With the Quit Line you choose the method that works best for you.
The Quit Line is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
English: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669)
Español: 1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335356-92)
TTY ACCESS: 1-877-777-6534
For more information about the TPEP program please contact Neita Cecil at 541-506-2609 – neitac@ncphd.org
Tobacco Treatment Program
Resources To Help Quit Tobacco
Oregon Tobacco Quit Line: 1-800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669)
Over the phone counseling and medication if eligible
Mobile Applications:
Statewide Tobacco Retail License Program:
On July 17, 2021, Governor Kate Brown signed Senate Bill 587 into law.
As of January 1, 2022, a tobacco retail license is required of anyone in the State of Oregon that sells tobacco or inhalant delivery systems (IDS) products. All tobacco retailers in Oregon must purchase a license to continue selling these products.
Tobacco retail licensing lets the state track where tobacco is being sold to help educate retailers and enforce the law. It also makes it easier for retailer owners and staff to follow all tobacco laws in Oregon through better communication and training about tobacco sales laws.
Oregon’s tobacco retail license program is a collaboration between Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR). OHA conducts retailer education and outreach, as well as inspections to prevent sales to people under 21. DOR issues licenses to retailers, annually renews licenses, collects fees associated with licenses, and penalizes retailers selling tobacco without a license.
The new law is a critical step toward reducing tobacco use among youth. Before 2022, Oregon was one of only seven states without a statewide tobacco retail license program.
Better retailer education and expanded inspections will ensure that young people in every part of Oregon have the same protection from addictive and deadly tobacco products.
Program Details:
License application and fee
The Department of Revenue (DOR) reviews applications and issues tobacco retail licenses. They also collect the annual $953 license fee.
For instructions on how to apply for a tobacco retail license, visit go.usa.gov/xe999.
The license application will need to be completed and submitted electronically through Revenue Online.
Retailers with multiple locations will need to have a license for each location. A license cannot be transferred from one business to another business. The new business owner must apply for a new license.
Products covered
The tobacco retail license covers commercial tobacco products, including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco and IDS products (also known as “e-cigarettes” and “vape”), chewing tobacco, cigars, and other products that contain nicotine.
The license does not include FDA approved tobacco cessation products.
Exceptions to the program
The license does not apply to retailers on tribal lands.
The license does not apply to Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) licensed marijuana retailers or Oregon Health Authority (OHA) licensed Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) marijuana dispensaries that do not sell IDS that contain nicotine.
Most counties that already had their own tobacco retail license program will continue their programs separately from the state. Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties will come under the state’s Tobacco Retail License program.
Support and resources
For the first six months the law is in effect (January 1, 2022–June 30, 2022), OHA will be helping retailers access education materials and comply with tobacco laws. OHA will not issue penalties during this time, but DOR will be checking that retailers have a current tobacco retail license as part of their regular inspections. Penalties will be issued for retailers who do not have a license.
Education resources include:
· A training manual with instructions on how to comply with all Oregon tobacco laws and requirements.
· A fact sheet about the law (available in six languages).
· Answers to frequently asked questions about the law (available in six languages).
· Access to state program staff for questions and support.
· Updates when state, federal and local laws change.
To learn more about and access these resources, visit www.healthoregon.org/tobaccoretailsales.
Compliance checks
Starting July 1, 2022, OHA will begin making two inspections per year: One to make sure retailers are not selling to people under 21, and another to make sure retailers are in compliance with all tobacco retail sales laws.
Contact information:
For questions about Oregon Health Authority (OHA) inspections and enforcement:
· Email: Tobacco.Inspections@state.or.us
· Phone: 971-673-0984
· Online: www.healthoregon.org/tobaccoretailsales
For questions about Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR) inspections and enforcement:
· Email: TRL.help@dor.oregon.gov
· Phone: 503-945-8120
· Online: go.usa.gov/xe999