Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health Services
You can receive personal, confidential birth control counseling and method instruction through our Walk-In Clinic or Family Planning Clinic. NCPHD has knowledgeable and caring staff who can help you choose your birth control method.
We offer a variety of very effective and low cost birth control methods for people of all genders including:
If you have a photo ID or social security number, please bring it with you. You will not be disqualified if you do not have either of these. Eligibility, once established, is good for one year.
Clients may also use the Oregon Health Plan or private insurance. If you are on the Oregon Health Plan you do not need a referral to come to our clinic.
A sliding scale is available for clients who do not qualify for the program or who do not have other insurance coverage.
*You will receive care even if you cannot afford to pay.*
Nexplanon arm implant
Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Depo-Provera injections (the shot)
Vaginal rings (Nuva Ring)
Contraceptive patch
Birth control pills
Condoms & Spermicide
Natural family planning
Emergency contraception
Male and female sterilization counseling and referral. Men may qualify for a free or reduced cost vasectomy through one of our programs. Please contact us for more information.
Our nurses will help you determine what method is the best for you and your lifestyle.
Free Reproductive Health Services For Qualified Applicants
Reproductive Health/ STD/Immunization Clinic Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Emergency Contraception offered Monday through Friday.
Appointments are preferred. Walk-ins will be seen, but there may be a wait.
Emergency Contraception
Want To Know What To Do If:
I was forced to have sex against my will?
The condom broke or slipped off?
I had sex when I didn’t expect to and didn’t use birth control?
My regular birth control was not effective when I had sex?
If you have had unprotected intercourse, you might want to consider using emergency contraception. Treatment may consist of hormone pills taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex and can be taken up to five days after unprotected sex. ECPs provide a short, strong burst of hormones, which may prevent pregnancy by temporarily stopping eggs from being released, by stopping fertilization, or by stopping implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
We also offer the Copper T IUD as very effective emergency contraception. The IUD must be placed inside the uterus by a clinician within 5 days of unprotected sex. The IUD works by stopping sperm from reaching the egg.
Emergency contraception should be reserved for emergency situations and should not be used to prevent pregnancy on a regular basis.
Emergency Contraception is not intended for use if you are already pregnant.
Where Can I Get Emergency Contraception Pills?
Emergency Contraception is available at our clinic. Call us at (541) 506-2600 for more information or drop in during office hours and ask to speak to a nurse.
Plan B emergency contraceptive pill is also available over the counter. Cost ranges from $40.00 to $45.00. EC is available to all current and new female family planning clients at the Health Department on a walk-in basis during regular hours:
Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Birth Control Information
Getting starting on birth control does not need to be difficult or scary. There are lots of options and NCPHD has knowledgeable staff who can help you with your decision
When you come in for an appointment, we will review your medical history and discuss all birth control options that are available. Once you decide which method is best for you, the nurse will instruct you how to correctly use your method.
You will be instructed on safer sex practices to reduce your risk for sexually transmitted infections (STD) and unplanned pregnancy. We may recommend STD screening at your visit.
Note: Nexplanon and IUDs are placed by our clinician which generally requires a scheduled appointment. The nurse can assist you with arranging that appointment.
What To Consider About Birth Control & Your Appointment
We have interpreters for non-English speaking clients.
You do NOT need a physical exam in order to start birth control.
Teens do NOT need a parent’s consent to visit our clinic.
Everything you share with us will be kept private unless confidentiality violates state law.
Involving Your Partner In Your Birth Control Decisions Can Be Helpful
Tell your partner your concerns and feelings about the risk of pregnancy.
Bring your partner with you to the clinic so both of you can talk about birth control options and have your questions answered. As a couple, make plans to pay for the cost of birth control services together.
No matter which birth control method you choose, talk to your partner about using condoms to protect both of you from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
Pregnancy Tests
When you come to our clinic, our Registered Nurses will do a test and you will be told if you are pregnant or not. If you are pregnant you will be able to talk with the nurse about all pregnancy choices, including accessing prenatal care, Oregon Health Plan and WIC, adoption and abortion. The nurse may assist you with scheduling appointments. Your partner or other support person is welcome to come with you.
If you are not pregnant, but would like to be, the nurse can give you information to improve your health and increase your awareness of your fertility cycle.
If you are not pregnant, and do not want to be pregnant, the nurse can offer counseling on birth control methods and assist you with starting a safe and effective method.
If you think you might be pregnant, call our clinic at (541) 506-2600 to speak to a nurse or make an appointment.