NCPHD Transitioning to Smaller, Mobile COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

NCPHD Transitioning to Smaller, Mobile COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

La transición de la vacuna Clínicas para eventos más pequeños, móviles

As the large, twice-weekly COVID-19 vaccine clinics at the Fort Dalles Readiness Center wind down, North Central Public Health District (NCPHD) is increasingly shifting to smaller mobile clinics, and is starting a small weekly clinic at its own offices in The Dalles.

 With an eye to convenience, NCPHD this week is starting a lunch-hour vaccine clinic on Thursdays at the health district office, at 419 E. 7th St.  “We got a good response for the first one and it filled pretty quick,” said Martha McInnes, RN, who is coordinating vaccine clinics for NCPHD.

The clinic may expand to more hours and more days, depending on demand, she said. To book an appointment for this Thursday clinic, call 541-506-2600.

Also, for the next four Fridays, NCPHD will be offering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at Community Meals in The Dalles.

“We’re trying to focus more on mobile clinics and meeting people where they are,” McInnes said. “There will be multiple pop-up clinics throughout the community, on evenings and weekends, in the coming weeks.”

Other mobile clinics have already taken place this week, including in Arlington and Condon on Tuesday, and today in Moro.

The final two vaccine events at the Fort Dalles Readiness Center are on June 3 and June 10. On both days, the clinic will accept walk-ins for both Moderna and the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

These upcoming clinics follow on the heels of successful vaccine clinics last Friday and Saturday.

Over 30 people attended the second “Take a Bite Out of COVID” walk-in vaccine event Friday at the Bargeway Pub, and picked up $10 in tokens to go toward their food bill at the pub.

Saturday, over 270 people got the Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson vaccine at two events held at the Mid-Columbia Senior Center and The Dalles Middle School.

Over 55 percent of those 16 and older have been vaccinated in Wasco County; 48 percent in Sherman County and 37 percent in Gilliam County. NCPHD’s service area covers all three counties.

Last Friday, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced that all Oregonians who have gotten one dose of the vaccine by June 27 will be entered into a $1 million lottery. A $10,000 prizes will be awarded in each county. Since people under 18 cannot win cash prizes, all vaccinated youth age 12-17 will be eligible to win one of five $100,000 scholarships.

(For more information, please visit COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon, contact North Central Public Health District at (541) 506-2600, visit us on the web at or find us on Facebook.)



Weekly Vaccine Report for Week Ending May 22


Weekly Vaccine Report; $1 million vaccine lottery announced