Vaccine Report for Week of July 30; Vaccines Offered at TDHS Registration Aug. 10-12

Over 25,650 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties through July 30.

This week, vaccines will be offered during in-person student registration at The Dalles High School, Aug. 10-12. The Pfizer vaccine, which is available for those 12 and older, will be offered as well as the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

All Wasco County residents getting their first dose at NCPHD events and at other participating locations get a $50 gift card.

With the aggressive spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, which is so transmissible that each infected person goes on to infect an estimated five to eight others, vaccination rates have picked up both nationwide and here in the three-county area served by North Central Public Health District (NCPHD).

NCPHD vaccinated 68 people last week, for a cumulative total of 15,855.

Mid-Columbia Medical Center vaccinated 11, totaling 1,511.

One Community Health vaccinated 50, totaling 3,281.

Other entities have given 4,440 vaccines cumulatively, for a grand total through last week of 25,654 doses. This number does not include doses from pharmacies.

The Delta variant surge has caused case counts and hospitalizations to spike. Last Thurday in Oregon, 496 people were hospitalized and 970 cases were reported. Wasco County has seen a sharp increase in cases, including 96 in the most recent 14-day period. That tally qualifies as “extreme” risk of spread under the previous risk framework used by the state.

Wasco County has vaccinated 65.2 percent of those 18 and older. Sherman has vaccinated 56.1 percent and Gilliam 44 percent.

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The vaccine is offered at MCMC and its clinics, One Community Health, all local pharmacies, Deschutes Rim Clinic, and NCPHD. The $50 gift cards are directly provided at NCPHD, MCMC and Deschutes Rim Clinic. All other entities place a sticker on the recipient’s vaccine card that can be presented to NCPHD, at 419 E. 7th St. in The Dalles, to receive the gift card.

(For more information, please visit COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon, contact North Central Public Health District at (541) 506-2600, visit us on the web at or find us on Facebook.)


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