NCPHD and school nurse meetings
Lice info
20 Myths Debunked About Head Lice - Original file / Printed over 7 pages
Multnomah ESD head injury protocol - Summary slides / Protocol / Parent letter
Presenters: Katie Cox and Dr. Dean Sidelinger
Slides from Katie Cox's presentation
Symptom-based Exclusion Chart in Spanish
Information regarding Oregon COVID school testing program for 2024-25
Presenters: Dr. Kathleen Wilder and Martha McInnes
CDC slidedeck from Dr Wilder’s presentation website
Oregon abortion resources information
Minor consent for care in Oregon- Understanding Minor Consent and STI Minor Fact Sheet
Guests: Debby Jones and Neita Cecil
Tobacco cessation card: English, Spanish
Parent support: Boost camps, April 3 event
Teen Intervene:Intro document, model proposal