Travellers Accomodations

Travellers Accomodations

from $1.03

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Step 1: Fill out Tourist Facility License Application form if you haven’t already >HERE
Step 2: Make a payment.
Please do not make a payment without filling out a form,
Please find the payment here associated with the correct application below.

The full fee schedule can be found HERE

Service Fees

Please add ALL SERVICES to your cart that apply to your application before you checkout.

Travelers' Accommodations

Bed & Breakfast - $148

Traveler Accommodations 1-10 rooms - $160
Traveler Accommodations 11-25 rooms - $175
Traveler Accommodations 26-50 rooms - $200
Traveler Accommodations 51-75 rooms. - $225
Traveler Accommodations 76-100+.- $250
Plus $1.00 per additional room over 100

Org Camp 0-300 camper - $404
Org Camp 301-600 campers - $543
Org Camp 601+ campers - $2273

RV Park 1-10 spaces - $180
RV Park-11-25 spaces - $225
RV Park 26-50 spaces. - $300
RV Park 51-75 spaces - $360
RV Park 76-100+ - $422
Plus $2.00 per additional space over 100

Re-check inspection (any licensed facility requiring more than 2 re-inspections in one license year) - $150

Online prices are inclusive of a 2.9%+0.30c online processing fee.

Traveller Accommodations:
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